ASAI launches ‘This is my Street’ road safety project
Focusing on the prevention of road crashes and on pedestrian safety, the Automotive Association of Tourism and Sports of Panama (ASAI) has promoted the “This is my Street” campaign through a local road safety project supported by the FIA Road Safety Grant Programme.

The project consists in applying road signals and improvements to promote orderly and respectful traffic in school zones.
The initiative benefited the José Antonio Remón Cantera School, the Richard Neumann School and the Isabel Herrera Obaldía Vocational School.
The three schools are located on a major four-lane road where signage is not sufficient.
A vertical fluorescent diamond-shaped warning sign was installed to indicate pedestrian crossing.
Speed bumps, known as portholes, were also installed to help drivers brake in advance of the crossing. In addition, zigzag lines were painted in both areas of the avenue to indicate to drivers of large vehicles, motorists and motorcyclists to slow down.
ASAI President Dante Pescetto was present at the inauguration. Also present were ASAI Head of Road Safety and Education, Javier Stanziola and ASAI Road Safety Coordinator, Ronald Valiente; Ramón Tapia, Executive Secretary of the National Council of Traffic and Road Safety - Traffic and Land Transport Authority (CONTSEVI-ATT); Nicomedes Aizpurüa, National Director of Road Safety Education and User Protection (ATTT); Carmen Aparicio, Director of Environmental Education of the Ministry of Education and Eng. Enriqueta De Gracia, from the same area and Ministry; Osiris Gratacos, President of the "Educación Vial" Foundation and Lianna Licona, President of the "Mónica Licona" Foundation and responsible for the recreational programme in the municipality of Panama.