Invitation to Tender
FIAInvitation to Tender
All new invitations to tender are posted in this section of the FIA’s website.
Interested parties are therefore encouraged to check this website regularly for announcements of any new invitation to tender.
As a complimentary service, the FIA will endeavour (but accepts no obligation and does not guarantee to do so) to send an e-mail to interested parties notifying them of new invitations to tender in areas of interest to them.
Given that the tendering procedure has been standardised, please refer to the following document entitled: “Invitation to tender for sole supply contract – tendering instructions,” which details the rules and conditions under which tenders must be presented and which (in the absence of any indication to the contrary) will apply to all procedures.
To access the invitations to tender, please click here.
Tendering Instructions for any FIA Championships
For general information, please consult the document - "Single suppliers and Tendering: Frequently Asked Questions" - available below for download in either PDF or Word format:
Single Suppliers and Tendering: FAQs
Call for Expressions of Interest