FIA Events
MembersFIA Webinars
As a direct response to the challenges faced by FIA Member Clubs in light of the Global Health Pandemic which commenced in 2020, the FIA launched a series of webinars under the Sports Club Solidarity Programme umbrella and were known as Stronger Together Webinars which focused on topics to support clubs during their time of crisis.
These webinars united the FIA family whilst providing support and guidance to Clubs during these challenging times.
Due to the success of these webinars and the value for member clubs in participating within these, the Stronger Together Webinars are now a regular fixture providing accessible and relevant sessions for member clubs on a regular basis.
As part of the FIA’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the FIA University launched FIA Stay Tuned in spring 2020, a free-of-charge initiative to support Clubs through the crisis and help them turn obstacles and upheavals of today into opportunities for tomorrow.
Open to all FIA Member Organisations, the programme combined academic training by the ESADE Business School faculty and expertise from FIA Member Clubs with opportunities to discuss and share best practice through. Stretching from early April to early May 2020, FIA Stay Tuned brought together 260 participants from 73 Member Organisations (35 Mobility Clubs, 24 ACNs, and 14 ASNs) in 59 countries worldwide.