FIA Member Club the Automóvil Club Guatemala (ACG) developed a road safety campaign entitled “Usa Casco, Salva tu Vida”. Supported by the FIA Road Safety Grants programme under the Global Action stream, this campaign aims to raise awareness of the benefits of the correct use of helmets among Guatemalan riders.

Despite the existence of several tools to avoid tragedies among motorcycle riders, such as the use of helmets and reflective waistcoats or lights during the day and at night, various reports indicate that more than 50 % of those killed in road crashes were riding motorcycles. With these figures, Guatemala ranks as the fifth country in Latin America with the highest rate of death and serious injuries among motorcyclists, after Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico.
ACG Director of Road Safety Juan Carlos Botrán stated that "it is urgent that Guatemalans become aware of this situation, not only for the safety of those who ride motorbikes, but for all of us who share the public road. We have the challenge of reducing the alarming figures of fatal accidents and serious injuries that exist in the country due to not using a proper helmet or not wearing it correctly".
In this context, the campaign provides the following recommendations:
- Verify that the helmet meets international safety standards and that it has not been damaged or knocked;
- Check that it is the right size and that it provides good visibility and comfort;
- Check its expiry date and replace it when appropriate;
- Wear a helmet not only as driver but also as a passenger;
- And always wear a helmet, even for short distances.