FIA Member the Automóvil Club Guatemala together with the Guatemalan American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham Guatemala) and the Fundación para el Desarrollo de Guatemala (Fundesa) organised the Third International Congress of Road Safety in Guatemala that aimed to look at data and promote action to improve road safety in the country. FIA Region IV was represented among the speakers of the event.

According to data reported by different organisations, it is estimated that 2,176 people died on the road in Guatemala during 2022, making it the second cause of violent death in the country. In addition, it is estimated that 12,244 traffic incidents during the same year involved motorcyclists in 45% of the cases.
Organisers of the Congress advocated for the adoption of long and short-term measures to reduce these numbers. The activities conducted during the event sought to create a space for training, dialogue and commitment between experts from the public and private sectors to share norms, standards and best practice in road safety, both locally and internationally. Indeed, the Congress gave the floor to international speakers, who shared different evidence-based interventions that have been successfully applied at a global level and in different countries.
Reducing road crashes was an important challenge discussed during the Congress. Participants shared some actions to be implemented in order to tackle their main causes, develop competitiveness and attract foreign investment in the country.
Represented by both Pedro Cofiño and Juan Carlos Botrán, the Autómovil Club Guatemala stated: “As we were able to hear, international experts proved us that when you want, you can, without inventing anything new, but with a lot of political will to move towards a safe and integrated road safety system. Guatemala is spending between three and four percent of GDP on care for those injured in traffic accidents. When it comes to improving road safety, it is about our well-being and quality of life”.
The Congress was supported by Cervecería Centro Americana, Aseguradora General, Cementos Progreso, Grupo Corporativo Santa Ana, Shell, Cofiño Stahl and Operadora SIVA, as well as Copa Airlines, the World Bank, the United Nations, AGIS, MAXA, Guatemala’s Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing, and the Municipality of Guatemala.