Racc calls for more charging points and permanent aid to promote electric mobility in Spain
With the aim of promoting environmentally friendly mobility and helping to improve air quality, the Reial Automòbil Club De Catalunya (RACC) has carried out a study on the situation of electric cars in Spain and their growth potential.
Although sales have tripled since 2015, electric cars accounted for just 0.6% of vehicle registrations in the Spanish market in 2017. The small number of charging points is one of the main obstacles to increasing electric mobility. At a European level, Spain is one of the worst performers with only 3.8 charging points per 100,000 inhabitants and an inadequate supply outside metropolitan areas, making long journeys much more difficult.
The lack of continued public aid is another factor hindering electric car sales, as well as the limited autonomy of most models and high initial investment required for their purchase.
For this reason, RACC is calling for the network of charging points to be extended to a minimum of 20 points per 100,000 inhabitants. It is also asking for government aid to become more constant, since public budgets are currently very limited and run out in just a few days, as well as for other incentives to be considered, such as electric vehicles being exempt from tolls on all motorways.
The RACC study points out that driving 100 km in an electric car in Spain is 3.6 times cheaper than in a combustion engine vehicle. Savings can reach €29,000 over 8 years of the vehicle's life, more than offsetting the higher purchase price.