Automóvil Club de Guatemala Highlights Support for Compulsory Motor Insurance at 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety


At the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Marrakech, Juan Carlos Botrán, Mobility and Road Safety Director at the Automóvil Club de Guatemala presented the result of a perception study conducted in the country as part of the Movernos Seguros programme. 

The study revealed a significant disconnect between public expectations and reality: while citizens believe that the responsible party should cover the costs of injuries, victims or their families often bear these costs — sometimes through personal funds or credit—which can further drive them into poverty. 

Most importantly, 93% of those surveyed expressed strong support for a policy requiring every vehicle on the road to have third-party insurance. This overwhelming endorsement highlights a clear public demand for measures that ensure fairer compensation and protect individuals from the economic fallout of road crashes.

Reflecting on his findings and his participation in the Global Ministerial Conference, Juan Carlos Botrán noted, "This study highlights the crucial role of compulsory motor insurance in providing financial support to crash victims. During the Conference, it became clear that reducing road fatalities in Guatemala and the region requires a joint commitment from both the public and private sectors, driving policies and initiatives that prioritise the safety of all road users. Road safety is a challenge that concerns us all. It is essential to continue generating data, fostering debate, and joining efforts to implement effective solutions."

Launched in 2018 through a collaborative effort between the FIA and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), with the support of the FIA Foundation, the Movernos Seguros programme works with public and private institutions across Latin America and the Caribbean to promote or improve compulsory motor insurance. By integrating better data systems and coordinating across multiple registries, Movernos Seguros advocates for a holistic approach — from prevention to compensation — that not only drives behavioural change but also reduces road fatalities and injuries.