Young moviemakers focus on road safety

Participants had to produce a short video to raise awareness among their own age group, but primarily among adults, of how important road safety is nowadays, while highlighting simple steps to take to save lives. There is no doubt that this is a topic worthy of attention, as can be seen from figures relating to road crashes victims in Uruguay in 2014. According to the report published by the Unidad Nacional de Seguridad Vial (UNASEV): no less than 61.1% of people involved in accidents are young people aged between 15 and 34, with 538 fatalities and 30,745 injuries.
Over eight hundred youngsters entered the competition and, in the first week of October, there were various specific events, such as informative meetings with representatives of the ACU and an opportunity to practice simulating First Aid for road traffic victims, in conjunction with traffic police, the fire department and paramedic response crews. In the end, the five best videos were chosen.
The winners were invited to Punta del Este, where they met some of the main protagonists of the first championship run for entirely electrically powered single-seaters, including the 2014/15 champion, Nelson Piquet Jr., Lucas di Grassi and Jerome D’Ambrosio. During the visit, the youngsters talked to key players in motor sport, who are furthermore involved in promoting the FIA Action for Road Safety campaign, before visiting the pits at the temporary circuit, built up right behind Playa Brava, one of the most beautiful beaches. Yesterday, they all met up again back at the track, Nelsinho, Jerome and Lucas in their race cars and the youngsters cheering them on from the grandstands.
Here are the five selected videos: