Cada día, 3500 personas fallecen en las carreteras. Los jóvenes son el grupo de edad más afectado, ya que los accidentes de tráfico son la primera causa de muerte entre los 15 y 29 años.
Es una tendencia muy preocupante, una lacra que hay que detener, ya que su coste humano, económico y social es inaceptable. La FIA, junto con sus 245 organizaciones asociadas de todo el mundo, está a la vanguardia de la lucha contra este problema.
Todos debemos cumplir nuestra función a la hora de conseguir que la carretera sea segura para todos. La campaña #3500LIVES explica las Reglas de Oro que ayudan a salvar su vida y la de los demás. Además, le animamos a unirse a la Declaración de la FIA por la Seguridad Vial Mundial, que insta a todos los gobiernos a dar prioridad a la seguridad vial y a introducir una legislación eficaz para evitar los principales factores de riesgo en la carretera.
10 Reglas de Oro
The golden rules
Watch out for kids
Slow down for kids
Obey the speed limit
Use a child safety seat
An astonishing number of parents allow their children to travel in vehicles without being properly restrained placing their lives and safety at risk.

Did you know?

Check your tyres
Buckle up
Don't text and drive
Never drink and drive
Any amount of alcohol increases the risk of involvement in a fatal road crash.

Did you know?

Always pay attention
Whether you are a driver, pedestrian or cyclist, it is important that you stay focused on the road or path ahead of you.

Did you know?

Stay bright
Wear a helmet
Stop when you're tired
Check your vision
Make road safety a priority
Sign the manifestoThe UN Sustainable Development Goals set the target to halve global road related fatalities by 2020, and to ensure safe and sustainable mobility in cities by 2030.

The FIA manifesto for global road safety calls for:
- Better infrastructure
- Safer vehicles
- More effective laws
- A UN road safety fund
Ambitious targets
Support UN SDG Target 3.6 to halve road fatalities and injuries by 2020.
Better infrastructure
50% of casualties occur on around 10% of the road network.
Safer vehicles
All new cars should meet agreed minimum UN vehicle safety standards.
More effective laws
Only 7% of the world’s population are covered by adequate legislation on speed, drink-driving, helmet use, seat belt and child restraint use.
Stop speeding
Speed is the single most significant contributor to road collisions leading to death and injury.
Tackle drink driving
We call for the introduction and enforcement of effective legislation on drink-driving. The alcohol industry should promote drink-driving legislation, independent research, and public awareness on the impact of alcohol use on road safety.
Improved data collection
Effective action can only be taken if it is targeted and measured with accurate data
Global fund for safer roads
A UN Road Safety Fund should be established to attract new donor aid for road safety.
Private sector support
We call for stronger recognition of road safety as a key development and public health challenge.
Increase coordinated action
Regular engagement at all political levels should be a priority.
The manifesto
Ambitious targets
Support UN SDG Target 3.6 to halve road fatalities and injuries by 2020. -
Better infrastructure
50% of casualties occur on around 10% of the road network. -
Safer vehicles
All new cars should meet agreed minimum UN vehicle safety standards. -
More effective laws
Only 7% of the world's population are covered by adequate legislation on speed, drink driving, helmet use, seat belt -
Stop speeding
Speed is the single most significant contributor to road collisions leading to death and injury. -
Tackle drink-driving
We call for the introduction and enforcement of effective legislation on drink-driving. The alcohol industry should promote drink-drive legislation, independent research, and public awareness on the impact of alcohol use on road safety. -
Improved data collection
Effective action can only be taken if it is targeted and measured with accurate data. -
Global fund for safer roads
A UN Road Safety Fund should be established to attract new donor aid for road safety. -
Private sector support
We call for stronger recognition of road safety as a key development and public health challenge. -
Increase coordinated action
Regular engagement at all political levels should be a priority.