FIA Smart Driving Challenge wants to find the world’s smartest driver
The new season of the FIA Smart Driving Challenge (FIA SDC) is now live and invites everyday drivers to join the movement to become smarter on the road.

The FIA SDC is an initiative from the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) and Swedish Insurtech Greater Than that, since its launch in 2019, has become a rapidly increasing initiative that engages all types of drivers in all kinds of vehicles. In more than 70 countries, the participants in the Challenge are individually acting to lower their emissions and contribute to improve road safety by adopting smarter driving habits.
The FIA SDC is supported by FIA Members from around the world and team leaders from the world of motor sport, who are strongly committed to make driving more relevant.
“Every day, FIA Member Clubs worldwide are fighting for safer roads and taking action to promote more eco-friendly driving. We are proud to launch a new season of the FIA Smart Driving Challenge together with them. By participating in the Challenge and making easy behavioural adjustments when at the wheel, everyone can drive change. We invite all motorists to join us today,” said Tim Shearman, FIA Deputy President for Automobile Mobility and Tourism.
The season starting on 1 April, will consist of seven heats of one month each, followed by a playoff during which the winners from each heat will compete to get access to the live final in which the top two smart drivers will take part in an head-to-head challenge. The winner will receive the title of “FIA SDC Smartest Driver 2022”.
“This will be our fourth year launching the FIA SDC together with the FIA. We have seen the community grow and inspired many thousands of drivers in more than 70 countries to lower their emissions and contribute to improve road safety by adopting smarter driving habits,” said Johanna Forseke, CEO at Greater Than Svenska AB.
New Season, New App, New Challenges
The FIA Smart Driving Challenge Season 2022 experience will be enhanced thanks to an updated app encouraging the growing community of smart drivers around the world to further improve their skills.
The new app displays improved and new features giving more insights into the impact driving has on the environment and how it evolves over time. One of the most striking new features is the head-to-head challenge, allowing users to challenge their friends to be the smarter driver. The app will also enable FIA Members to launch their own Challenges.
“By organising local smart driving challenges using the FIA SDC app, our Clubs will put their members and local communities in the ‘driver seat’. By participating in these challenges, drivers will see the concrete impact their smarter driving habits will make in their communities, contributing to safer and cleaner road environments,” said Onika Miller, FIA Secretary General for Automobile Mobility and Tourism ad interim.
Thanks to the new app, all challenge participants will get more information about the way they drive and will be able to follow and track improvements, and thus improve and make changes to lower their carbon footprint, energy consumption, and costs. The new app also aims to increase and foster stronger engagement in smart driving.
“If you as one single person can save an equivalence of 10 full grown trees just by driving smarter – imagine the impact we can make together, as teams, groups of friends, Clubs, and communities. While we wait for the future to catch up, this is the difference we can make today – and it really gets us quite far,” said Johanna Forseke, CEO at Greater Than Svenska AB, partner behind the initiative.
Be a smart driver. Join the challenge to start making a change, today.
The app is free to download and requires only Bluetooth to connect to your car and start driving.
App Store:
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