During the Third UN Global Road Safety Week on 5 May, a special event took place at ACI’s headquarters – children from numerous primary schools in Rome were invited to attend road safety courses. The children drew and coloured their messages on the SaveKidsLives signboards and took photos with ACI President, Angelo Sticchi Damiani, and the Secretary General, Ascanio Rozera. At the end of the event, the children received a brochure about road safety rules, and their parents were invited to sign the child declaration on the SaveKidsLives website. ACI has worked to promote the SaveKidsLives campaign through its own channels via a press report of the event on its website, news on its intranet portal and updates to its Facebook profile.
The club has also created a campaign toolkit which it distributed among local Automobile Clubs in order for them to take action. This has resulted in these clubs publishing messages on their websites, organising road safety courses in primary schools, as well as events with different local road safety stakeholders. ACI has promoted the campaign during the presentation of the 2015 Mille Miglia, the famous annual classic car rally between Brescia and Rome. Race Managing Director Marco Makaus, and the Italian actor Fabio Troiano, the main character of the upcoming movie Rosso Mille Miglia (Red Mille Miglia), were invited to join the campaign and to take a ‘Safie’ with SaveKidsLives signboards. These events received widespread media attention around the country, underlining the plight of children being killed or seriously injured on the roads. Activities on the campaign will continue until the end of October.
In other road safety news, ACI has translated and posted the FIA’s online road safety pledge into Italian on their website, with accompanying instructions for Italian users to sign the FIA Pledge ( A specific banner, along with the 10 Golden Rules, information and facts and figures were published on the ACI website, on its intranet portal and on its Facebook profile, which receives daily input and feedback from its followers. ACI’s 106 local Automobile Clubs have also been invited to link their websites to the banner of the FIA pledge on the ACI homepage in order to allow their members to sign the pledge. The Italian Automobile Club took the opportunity of sporting events to further promote the initiative. At the Ecorally San Marino – Città del Vaticano (15-17 May), ACI displayed a vehicle promoting the FIA Pledge and the Golden Rules on its bodywork and handed out leaflets at the race, in cooperation with the Automobile Club of Arezzo. Finally, during the Mille Miglia press conference, Angelo Sticchi Damiani called for action in favour of road safety, highlighting the importance of following the 10 Golden Rules and encouraging participants to sign up to the FIA Pledge. On 15 May, ACI’s President re-iterated this message during an interview on the Isoradio radio channel.