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In an ever more virtual world, the FIA Smart Cities Forum will be held online for the first time. For Season 4, a series of three eForums dedicated to Europe (22 July), Asia (23 September), and the Americas (12 November), will gather key players in smart and sustainable urban mobility from all regions of the world to discuss how transport is being reshaped in times of a global pandemic.
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To share the latest ideas and developments in smart urban transport transformations and to promote sustainable and inclusive mobility through innovation and new technologies, FIA Smart Cities has launched the ‘FIA Smart Cities Voices’, a video and podcast interview series that gives the floor to global mobility experts.
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On the occasion of 50 years of Earth Day, the FIA Environment and Sustainability Commission meets for the 6th time. Chaired by President Felipe Calderón, this meeting mainly focused on the development of the FIA Environmental Strategy aiming at strengthen the FIA’s environmental sustainability credentials across its two pillars of Sport and Mobility.
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More than 600 people, including around one hundred speakers from over 40 countries, attended the Latam Mobility Mexico in February. FIA, FIA Region III and FIA Region IV were present, as were other collaborating organisations such as the UN Environment Programme and the World Bank.
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Creada en 2017, la iniciativa SMART CITIES de la FIA tiene por objeto garantizar que la movilidad urbana en las ciudades del futuro sea más segura, más limpia y más accesible para todos los usuarios de las carreteras. Con motivo de la cuarta temporada de la iniciativa, el Foro SMART CITIES de la FIA se celebrará en París el 17 de abril, en Seúl el 2 de mayo y en Londres el 24 de julio, tres ciudades que acogerán las rondas del Campeonato de Fórmula E de la FIA de ABB.
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