Israeli club launches third age safety campaign

  • gb
This news on the Automobile & Touring Club of Isreal (MEMSI) is an article which was published in AUTO+ News - issue #17
FIA, Motorsport, Mobility, Road Safety, F1, WRC, WEC, WTCC, World RX

The Automobile & Touring Club of Israel (MEMSI) recently launched a campaign intended to raise public awareness
to the topic of road safety among the country’s elderly population.

The project consists of one-day seminars that take place nation-wide. Different media are used to draw attention to the issue in a gradual way and the seminars offer both theoretical and practical lessons in road safety.

The Israeli club has also produced a series of articles dealing with the different aspects of age effect on daily functions, such as awareness, reaction, hearing, speed, nutrition, physical activities and more.

These articles have been published in leading local newspapers, in internal publications of several institutes dealing with the elderly and in online media.

The campaign sees MEMSI cooperating with senior citizens’ clubs, city halls and other organisations that handle the elderly population in order to reach as many third-age road users as possible.