FIA Sport Grant Programme: 2020 call for applications
The next round of applications for the FIA Sport Grant Programme will open on 1 June and close on 21 August – for projects to be conducted in 2021.

Project applications will again be available under four Programmes: Safety, Motorsport Development, ASN Structure & Management and Social Responsibility, with a maximum of €50,000 available in each case. ASNs can make one individual grant application, with the following exceptions:
- As in 2019, ASNs can split their grant application between an application to purchase a karting slalom kit and another activity, with a maximum grant of €50,000 between the two.
- New for 2020, in order to encourage the adoption of environmental projects, ASNs will be able to apply for two individual grants of up to €50,000 each, provided that one is for an environmental project.
In addition, ASNs can join neighbouring countries at a similar level of development and apply for a cluster programme, for training delivered by one of the FIA’s Regional Training Providers. Environmental grants can also be requested as a cluster programme.
The 2019 applications round saw an unprecedented number of applications received and yet again, the standard of applications reached a new high. ASNs wishing to apply in the next round should remember the need to present their application using SMART objectives and should make sure that their presented project is in line with their ASN strategy.
For more information about the Sport Grant Programme please click here.
You can also access the 2019 Sport Grant Programme report by clicking here.