Sustainable Mobility
MobilitySustainable Mobility Programme
Created in 2016, the FIA Sustainable Mobility Programme is an annual grant programme that supports sustainable, accessible and inclusive mobility initiatives. It receives funding from the FIA Foundation and is steered by the FIA Mobility Division under the guidance of the FIA Mobility Policy Commission.
Key projects supported by the Programme include:
- Green NCAP – Independent vehicle environmental test programme launched in May 2017 and developed in cooperation with experts from the Automobile Club d’Italia (ACI), Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club (ADAC), Österreichische Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touring Club (ÖAMTC) and Touring Club Suisse (TCS), Green NCAP delivered its first results in 2019. Since then, a total of 73 vehicles have been tested so far, with a range of powertrains, including electric, natural gas, diesel, and petrol. The programme has received over €500,000 in funding.
- Life Cycle Assessment – This project estimates the total Greenhouse Gas (CO2, N2O, CH4) emissions and primary energy use of a vehicle over its entire life cycle, including its construction and logistics, its lifetime use and its recycling. Working with Austrian Club ÖAMTC, German Club ADAC, Swiss Club TCS and the Joanneum Research Institute, which is linked to the Technical University Graz, the expert tool 2.0 has been developed to include new countries (all European countries, Japan, China, India, the USA, South Korea, Chile, Costa Rica and South Africa). It also allows Green NCAP findings for over 61 vehicle models to be calculated through a consumer pack, that the Joanneum Research Institute developed on the FIA’s behalf. The expert tool 1.0 is currently available to FIA Member Clubs and the version 2.0 is expected to be made available in January 2022.
- Training, Evaluation and Certification System for Electric Vehicles Drivers initiative – This was carried out in December 2018 and aimed to develop a training programme for Region IV Clubs, in particular in Chile together with the ACCHI Member Club.
- Self-Assessment Tool for Elderly Drivers – Developed by Spain’s RACC in 2018 in association with Institut Guttmann.
- Smart Parking for Disabled Drivers (ParkDots) – Implemented by HAK (Croatia) in partnership with Park Dots (T-Telekom) and the Croatian city of Sisak, the project will use ‘smart’ infrastructure to assist disabled drivers to find empty parking spaces.