Rules & Practice Directions
Rules & Practice Directions
The Judicial and Disciplinary Rules of the FIA can be viewed here.
The Secretariat of the International Court of Appeal has published a set of "Practice Directions" to assist parties and their legal representatives in cases before the ICA and to answer a number of commonly arising questions. It is strongly recommended that all participants in cases before the Court should study these in advance of making written submissions or attending hearings. These Practice Directions were drafted to complement the rules in effect up to 31 December 2010. However, where the rules in effect from 1 January 2011 are silent with regard to any point and no contradiction would be created, the guidance contained in the Practice Directions will continue to apply post 1 January 2011. These Practice Directions will be updated to take account of the post-2011 rules in due course.
To view the Practice Directions, please click here
Pour visualiser les Instructions pratiques en français, cliquez ici