World Motor Sport Council 2014 - Munich

The FIA President praised co-hosts the Deutscher Motor Sport Bund E.V. (DMSB) and the Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club E.V. (ADAC) for their support of the week which welcomed representatives from over 109 ASNs to Munich, up from 74 in 2013.
The following decisions were taken by the WMSC:
Changes to the F1 Regulations for 2015 have been agreed by the WMSC.
The last date at which the sporting and technical regulations can be changed without unanimous agreement has been changed from 30 June to 1 March each year, starting from 2015.
Changes to 2015 Sporting Regulations
Power units
- The number of engines permitted by each driver in a season will be four. However, if there are more than 20 races in a season, the number will increase to five.
- The penalty for a complete change of Power Unit will be starting from the back of the grid, not the pit lane.
Aerodynamic testing
- The number of wind tunnel runs will be reduced from 80 hours per week to 65 hours per week.
- Wind-on hours are to be reduced from 30 hours per week to 25 hours.
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) usage is to be reduced from 30 Teraflops to 25 Teraflops.
- Two periods of tunnel occupancy will be allowed in one day (rather than only one).
- Teams will only be able to nominate one wind tunnel in one year.
- There will be three pre-season tests of four days each in Europe in 2015 (currently teams are able to test outside Europe). This will be reduced to two tests of four days in 2016.
- There will be two in-season tests of two days each in Europe (instead of the current four). Two of these four days must be reserved for young drivers.
Car specification at an Event
The current restrictions to the parc fermé will now apply from the start of P3 instead of the start of qualifying.
Wheels and tyres
The ban on tyre blankets will be rescinded for 2015. This will be re-discussed if and when the wheel and tyre diameter increases in the future.
Personnel Curfew
The Friday night curfew will be extended from six to seven hours in 2015 and will increase to eight hours in 2016.
Safety Car restarts
Safety Car restarts will now be a standing start from the grid. Standing starts will not be carried out if the Safety Car is used within two laps of the start (or restart) of a race or if there are less than five laps of the race remaining.
Changes to 2015 Technical Regulations
A number of changes have been made, including:
- A number of new regulations for the noses to ensure improved safety and to provide more aesthetically pleasing structures.
- A number of new regulations concerning skid blocks to ensure that they are made from a lighter material (titanium) and are better contained.
- New regulations to ensure that the brake discs rotate at the same speed as the wheels.
- A two-stage wheel fastener retaining system is now compulsory.
From January 2015, Priority 1 and 2 drivers will be obliged to do a minimum of three passages through the shakedown stage in order to provide greater media and promotional opportunities. Accordingly, the number of tyres used during shakedown will not form part of the total allocation for the event.
A number of amendments have been made to the sporting regulations (available online).
The 2014/15 Calendar of the FIA Formula E Championship will be as follows:
Date | Venue | Country |
13.09.2014 | Beijing | CHN |
18.10.2014 | Putrajaya | MLY |
13.12.2014 | Punta del Este | URY |
10.01.2015 | Buenos Aires | ARG |
14.03.2015 | Miami | USA |
04.04.2015 | Long Beach | USA |
09.05.2015 | Monaco | MCO |
30.05.2015 | Berlin | DEU |
27.06.2015 | London | GBR |
A tenth race is to be confirmed for 14 February 2015.
The ten teams entered for the FIA Formula E Championship are as follows:
- Andretti Autosport Formula E Team
- Audi Sport ABT Formula E Team
- China Racing Formula E Team
- Dragon Racing Formula E Team
- e.dams Formula E Team
- Mahindra Racing Formula E Team
- Super Aguri Formula E Team
- Trulli Formula E Team
- Venturi Formula E Team
- Virgin Racing Formula E Team
It has been agreed to establish a 2015 FIA Formula 3 Middle East Cup which will take place in January 2015. The first edition will be held in Bahrain. A call of interest for promoters will be launched.
Changes to the FIA F3 technical regulations have been made to reduce running and development costs. The homologation period of the current chassis has been extended until 31 December 2017.
The 2015 Le Mans 24 Hours will be held on 13-14 June (with a test day on 31 May).
As from 2015, a new FIA Drivers Categorisation will replace the current FIA WEC and FIA GT3 lists with the aim of categorising drivers (Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze) in a standardised manner based on three criteria: age, record of achievement and performance.
It was agreed to set the cut-off year for recognition of cars considered as ‘historic’ at 1990, at least for the next 10 years. Furthermore, it has been decided to extend the period of validity for Historic Technical Passports from 5 to 10 years.
A working group is to be established, chaired by President of the Historic Motor Sport Commission, Paolo Cantarella, to investigate the classification of cars dated 1990 on that are not historic but which no longer satisfy the latest safety criteria.
Further to proposals by the new Rallycross Technical Working Group, made up of representatives of the FIA, the promoter and the teams entered in the World Championship, a revised set of Technical Regulations for Rallycross will be in place as of 1 January 2015. This includes the broadening of possible engine options, allowing the use of ‘custom’ engines.
The FIA, represented by FIA Women in Motorsport Commission President Michèle Mouton, signed the Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport on 12 June, underlining the Federation’s commitment to encouraging and supporting the promotion of women in motor sport. The signing took place on the occasion of the 6th International Working Group World Conference on Women and Sport, hosted in Helsinki, Finland.
The race scheduled for Sweden on 15 June 2014 is cancelled.
The creation of a new award "Best Team of the Season" was approved. This award aims to reward a group of officials nominated by the ASNs who have achieved excellence in their teamwork. The ASNs will be free to nominate this award to either: all (or a group of) the track or road marshals (or scrutineers, timekeepers, the medical team, etc.) of a given competition; or all the officials of a given competition.
The only confirmed record attempts currently scheduled are at the ACCUS Annual Event at the Bonneville Salt Flats in the USA, on 11-16 September.
It was agreed to amend the marshal flag signal rules to reflect current practices and harmonise them with the Code of Driving Conduct. The light blue flag should normally be waved, as an indication to a driver that he is about to be overtaken. It has different meanings during practice and the race.
During practice: A faster car is close behind you.
During the race: The flag should normally be shown to a car about to be lapped, if the driver does not seem to be making full use of his rear-view mirrors. When shown, the driver concerned must allow the following car to pass at the earliest opportunity.
The next meeting of the WMSC will be held in Beijing on 11 September 2014.