Warning / Withdrawal of FIA approved seats
Seats – Post-homologation Controls

Seats – Post-homologation Controls
During a random quality control of products certified to the FIA standard 8855-1999 “Competition Seats”, certain seats were found to be non-compliant with the standard. As a consequence the following seats, whatever the validity deadline, are withdrawn from Technical List 12” with immediate effect:
Manufacturer: GP-RACE Model: TOP RALLY
Homologation Number: CS.159.06
Manufacturer: GP-RACE Model: TOP RALLY LIGHT
Homologation Number: CS.208.08
Manufacturer: GP-RACE Model: TOP CIRCUIT
Homologation Number: CS.207.08
The information referenced above can be found in the Technical List 12.
For safety reasons these racing seats can no longer be considered as complying with FIA standard 8855-1999. As a consequence, use of these racing seats is prohibited in all cases in which compliance with the above standard is mandatory.
Please note that a complete and up-to-date list of all FIA homologated safety equipment may at any time be accessed on the FIA website: http://www.fia.com/sport/homologation.