UPDATED: Motor Insurance Directive: The FIA welcomes the final report adopted by the European Parliament
Paris, 13 February 2019: The European Parliament (IMCO Committee) today adopted its final report on the Motor Insurance Directive (2009/103/EC).

Further to the FIA‘s stated position (of 22 January 2019, below) regarding the European Parliament adopting its final report on the Motor Insurance Directive (2009/103/EC), the final vote took place on 13 February 2019, when the European Parliament formally adopted the amended proposal by 562 votes to 36, with 19 abstentions.
With regard to motor sport, this amended proposal is a major step forward. It recommends the exclusion of “vehicles intended exclusively for motorsports, as these vehicles are generally covered by other forms of liability insurance and not subject to compulsory motor insurance when they are solely used for a competition”. In addition, on the scope of the directive, the European Parliament includes an appropriate distinction between vehicles used in traffic and vehicles used in non-traffic situations.
The European Parliament has published the following press release: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20190207IPR25238/parliament-closes-legal-loopholes-to-protect-victims-of-road-accidents.
In May 2018, the European Commission published a proposed review of the Motor Insurance Directive, aiming to strengthen EU rules on motor insurance, to better protect victims of motor vehicle accidents and improve the rights of insurance policyholders. (See 31 May 2018 - FIA Statement to the European Commission proposal to amend the Motor Insurance Directive - MID)
Several amendments in the European Parliament’s report address compensating victims of accidents where an insurer goes bankrupt; minimum amounts of cover; member states’ checks on vehicle insurance; how claims history statements are used by a new insurance company; and the scope of the directive, which was a crucial element for motorsport.
With regard to motorsport, the final report approved today by a large majority of MEPs (34 in favor, 2 abstentions, 1 against) is a major step forward. It recommends the exclusion of “vehicles intended exclusively for motorsports, as these vehicles are generally covered by other forms of liability insurance and not subject to compulsory motor insurance when they are solely used for a competition”. In addition, on the scope of the directive, the European Parliament includes an appropriate distinction between vehicles used in traffic and vehicles used in non-traffic situations.
Since 2017, the FIA has, with the support of its national sporting authorities (ASNs) and other motorsport stakeholders such as FIM, ACEM and ATVEA, continuously called for such recognition. The FIA therefore welcomes and congratulates the work conducted by the IMCO Committee and the rapporteur Ms. Dita Charanzová, who has shown a clear understanding of this complex matter and of the specific concerns shared by motorsport stakeholders.
The FIA looks forward to the forthcoming final vote during the next Plenary session of the European Parliament on 13 February 2019 in Strasbourg, prior to the final negotiations (trilogue) which will take place later on between the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU in 2019.
The consolidated version of the final report on the Motor Insurance Directive will soon be available on the European Parliament website.
The European Parliament has published the following press release: “MEPs close legal loopholes to protect victims of road accidents” available on