TCB offers medical staff free of charge breakdown assistance
As a result of the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease, Touring Club Belgium (TCB) is prioritising the health and safety of citizens and personnel.

Touring Club Belgium (TCB) decided to offer all medical staff free of charge breakdown assistance, no matter if they are TCB members or not.
“Medical staff is doing a remarkable job in trying to stem the spread of the virus and they must be helped to work – and going to work – in the best conditions”, said a TCB spokeperson.
“However, breakdown assistance on the road has decreased by 63% since the lockdown decision of the Belgian government as people stay at home, and tend to not use their car. For this reason, we decided to make temporary unemployment possible for a small percentage of our staff.”
TCB also provided its members with information on the impact of coronavirus on travels in Belgium as well as abroad with links to official sources such as the Ministry of foreign affairs.
Moreover, the Club has a dedicated page on the consequences of the virus on travel assistance with a FAQ section and a dedicated email address where people can address their concerns.