TACPy promotes health and safety through awareness campaigns
The Paraguayan Touring and Automobile Club (TACPy) has recently launched multiple awareness-raising actions as part of its ongoing drive to promote quality of life across the country.

Together with the National Secretariat of Tourism (SENATUR), TACPy has recently promoted good experiences on the roads through the “best roadside restrooms” campaign, by rewarding service stations that maintained excellent hygiene and infrastructure conditions in their public toilets.
Additionally, the Club launched the awareness campaign "Stop, Look and Cross", together with the Municipality of Lambaré, with the aim of promoting pedestrian responsibility.
The activities included a traffic crash simulation and impact tests. The event was attended by Mayor Guido González, together with several Councillors and Traffic Directors, representatives of the National Traffic and Road Safety Agency of Paraguay, and TACPy's General Manager, Dr. Nery Silva.
Another major road safety initiative carried out by TACPy is the #EnUnSegundo campaign carried out as part of the programme "Together, we can save millions of lives". The campaign addresses all road users and aims at preventing deaths and serious injuries on the roads.