TACPy launches virtual reality simulators
Since August, specialists from the Touring y Automóvil Club Paraguayo (TACPy) implemented a training system to teach driving through an interactive process using virtual reality simulators developed by FIA Region IV.

The main goal of the training system is to help new drivers develop abilities and skills for a perfect control of the vehicle in any risk situation.
This new concept of teaching includes theoretical classes which are 100% interactive in order to transfer a full knowledge regarding the rules of traffic, road education and real risk situations, and collaterally generate awareness.
Immersed in the experience of driving, new users can develop real expertise but also a high degree of awareness, in order to prevent risk situations caused by human error.
Moreover, by replacing real-world vehicles, virtual reality simulators allow companies to reduce time and costs, generating a lower-cost, fast and intuitive learning.
“Through this new teaching methodology, more than 650 collaborators from different companies in Paraguay were trained”, said a spokesperson for the Club. “Among them, Cervepar, Automaq SAECA, Frigorífico Guaraní, Banco Nacional de Fomento, Entidad Binacional Yacyretá and Grupo Antares”.