A Successful 9th Edition of the FIA University Emerging Leaders Programme
The 9th edition of the FIA University Emerging Leaders Programme took place in Barcelona 09-13 March 2020, in partnership with ESADE Business School. The programme successfully concluded after a week of lively discussions, fascinating presentations, and team-spirited networking.

This year, 24 Delegates from worldwide Automobile Clubs in seven countries participated in the tailor-made programme exclusively dedicated to FIA Member Clubs.
The week-long programme provided members with insights on how to create successful partnerships, rethink Clubs’ revenue models, lead through influence and innovate within the fast evolving world of mobility.
In addition to courses taught by ESADE Business School professors, the programme featured expertise-sharing sessions by FIA Club Experts who hold senior leadership positions in their Clubs. They provided Members with first-hand experience and insights to take back to their Clubs. For the second year in a row, Members also had the opportunity to meet with local mobility start-ups, discovering more of the vibrant mobility ecosystem of Barcelona.
Throughout the week, participants networked and exchanged with each other and Club experts during social events and activities, developed their professional contacts, and learnt from each other. The first evening of the programme featured a cooking team-building activity and attendees were awarded a certificate of participation during the closing ceremony.
This 9th edition of the FIA University Emerging Leaders Programme successfully equipped participants with the necessary skills to become outstanding leaders who can spearhead transformational projects to make their Clubs thrive.
We look forward to welcoming a new class of emerging Club leaders in 2021.