Singapore AAS tackles the use of mobile phone while on roads with its “Stay focused!” project

Technological advancements have led to an increased reliance on mobile phones. Their use while driving, walking or cycling can be very dangerous and has become one of the world’s top concerns with regard to risky behaviour on roads.
In this context – and with funds awarded through the FIA Road Safety Grant Programme – the AAS launched the “Stay Focused!” project. It addresses the problem of distracted road users. It is aimed at both drivers and pedestrians, with particular emphasis on mobile phone use while on roads. Indeed, according to a survey conducted by the Nanyang Technological University, 93% of youths admitted to “multi-tasking” while walking and 84% acknowledged that this behaviour is dangerous.
The first step of this campaign was the publication of an article on the dangers of distracted walking in the July/August issue of AAS’ Highway magazine, which is physically distributed to over 60 000 members. The same article was also uploaded to the Highway mobile app and website.
Following this article, a pledge board and a Facebook quiz were created to garner both physical and digital pledges from AAS members and from the general public.
Thanks to this campaign, the AAS hopes that people will put away their devices when they are on the roads and thus minimise the number of accidents that occur due to distracted driving and/or walking.
For more information on the FIA Grant Programme click here.