SAC raises road safety awareness in Syria

In May 2017, the Syrian Automobile Club (SAC) held a week-long training programme with the support of the FIA Road Safety Grant Programme, aimed at improving road safety knowledge and expertise in Syria.
For the first time ever, the Syrian Ministry of Health, NGOs and Club officials (the Automobile et Touring Club du Liban, the Saudi Automobile Federation and the Automobile et Touring Club de Syrie) gathered at an academic institute, working side by side to improve road safety.
They discussed various topics such as the safety of road users, post-crash response, vehicle safety and project planning, implementation and monitoring.
There were 26 participants from government and private sectors. With the involvement of the University of Saint Joseph and the ESCWA (UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia), participants were trained by experts and provided with training materials.
Five working groups were tasked to work on a specific road safety project with the aim of implementing it in Syria.
The training programme is more accessible than an academic course and is expected to be repeated. Each participant will be able to offer support for future road safety initiatives and have a positive impact on the community.
To learn more about the project and find out about other initiatives, please visit the FIA road safety grants website: