The upgrade of the Cooroy to Curra section of Queensland’s Bruce Highway, strongly supported through lobbying by the Royal Automobile Club of Queensland (RACQ), started in 2009 and has recently proved to be a success. Yet, much remains to be done, says the Club.
Construction and infrastructure improvements on the Bruce Highway - one of the most dangerous roads in Queensland - have been completed over almost 9 years on 3 of 4 project sections, with a Government investment of AUD$1.43+ billion.
In 2017, the Australian Road Assessment Program (AusRAP) showed that the enhanced road infrastructure led to a reduction in the number of fatal crashes and serious injuries on the Bruce Highway by 82 percent in just three years after the roadworks.
As a result of the infrastructure upgrades, the speed limit has been able to be lifted to 110km/h, yet the risk of death and injury has more than halved and the star rating has risen from 2-star to 4 and 5-star.
RACQ has recently called for an acceleration of cheap but effective safety upgrades on this stretch of road.
RACQ spokesperson Paul Turner said “While we support the Bruce Highway Upgrade Program, we want to see those much needed safety works programs delivered sooner – because the longer we delay the more Queensland lives we put at risk”.
For more information on the upgrade project, please visit: www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Projects/Name/B/Bruce-Highway-Cooroy-to-Curra