As a result of the global outbreak of the Covid-19 disease and to help the Spanish health system, the Reial Automòbil Club de Catalunya (RACC) made available to the authorities its headquarters in Barcelona.

Last February the Club created a monitoring committee to deploy a contingency plan, and since a few days, all employees able to telework – including central services, offices and call centres – have been working from their homes.
RACC has adapted in order to keep its operational capacity and to offer a high level service, always following the instructions given by authorities. The Club has strengthened its telephone medical service, its travel assistance service for all those members who are abroad and have not been able to get back home yet, its on-site breakdown assistance service, its urgent home repair service, as well as its legal assistance and technical assistance services, given that many people are currently working from home.
In order to provide help in view of a possible collapse of the Spanish health system, in the past week RACC has made available its headquarters to the authorities in Barcelona. The building has more than 16,000 m2, it is fitted with a medicalised heliport, and it is located very close to the main hospitals in the city.
With regard to education, the RACC driving-school teachers are providing theory classes through the Instagram profile @RACCautoescuela. This service is offered for free, and it is open to everybody, regardless of whether they are pupils of our driving schools or not.
Moreover, during these days, in which the schools are closed, RACC has made available to the whole education community an on-line road safety game ‘Play&Learn’, aimed at children aged 6 to 12 years, open to all and for free.
In the educational field as well, the Club has extended the deadline for schools to take part in the 13th edition of the ‘Young People and Mobility’ contest, in which every year, more than 2,000 pupils submit proposals to improve road safety, with the aim of helping teachers with the planning of the coming weeks.