RAA offers successful mentoring to AiP
The Royal Automobile Association of South Australia (RAA), member of the Australian Automobile Association (AAA), offered successful mentoring sessions to the Asian Injury Prevention Foundation (AiP), an FIA affiliated mobility international organisation.

As part of the FIA Club Development funded Mentoring Programme, AiP staff spent a week in Adelaide to “take inspiration” from RAA's advocacy activities and road safety education programmes “to address the unique issues in their country, including a huge number of motorcycle fatalities,” said Penny Gale, RAA general manager for engagement and innovation.
“Road safety is a significant issue in Vietnam, with crashes causing around 22,400 fatalities and more than 453,600 injuries annually. Of those fatalities, 2,000 are children,” Gale said. “Ninety-five percent of registered vehicles in Vietnam are motorcycles, and we were shocked to find out that their users make up 75% of the country’s crash victims. When you compare these figures with our national road toll in 2016, which was just under 1,300, it really puts into perspective the immensity of the challenge.”
The mentoring opportunity also concerned about RAA's roadside assistance service, insurance business, and innovation division.
“We’re proud to be sharing our learnings and passion for road safety with them and hope it will contribute to saving thousands of lives,” Gale said.
AiP delegates visited the RAA's safety centre, discovered the RAA's Street Smart programme and rode with a patrol. The knowledge sharing exercise also included learning about the importance of building a good brand.
In 2017, the mentoring initiative also concerned other Clubs. AA Ceylon and NASA (Nepal) are now in their third year of mentoring. AA Cambodia continues to be assisted by AA Singapore in the development of roadside assistance and will shortly begin commercial operations.
Photo: RAA's General Manager Engagement and Innovation Penny Gale besides AiP founder Greig Craft and Project Manager Le Chi Nguyen.