Motorsport South Africa (MSA) launches online training for officials
As the world moved online amid the COVID-19 lockdowns, Motorsport South Africa (MSA) used the opportunity to take all of its officials training programmes online, utilising the Zoom platform.

PowerPoint presentations were created and used as the basis for webinar sessions for the training of Clerks of the Course/Stewards, Environmental Officers, Scrutineers/Technical Consultants, Race Secretaries and COVID-19 Compliance Officers.
Further courses are planned for accredited members of the media, as well as for medical service providers to allow for the accreditation of Chief Medical Officers and Coordinators.
“More advanced training can obviously still benefit from in-person sessions, particularly where practical training is necessary or useful, and such sessions will take place as necessary when circumstances permit”, said a Club spokeperson. “However, basic training can easily take place online and this has proven to be extremely effective at reaching a large number of people without the logistical or financial challenges of in-person training. This can only benefit the Sport in general going forward.”
Due to the success of its digital classes, MSA plans to continue with the online training format into the future for at least basic training needs.
“We understand that many other Clubs were already conducting online training before the advent of COVID-19, or started doing it during lockdown”, continues the Club spokeperson “but we highly recommend that those that aren’t already doing it give it consideration as it is undoubtedly a very viable option.”
Read below the FIA 10 tips for online training: