Michelin and FIA promote road safety among young road users in Spain
Trendy Drivers was born as an initiative from Michelin, Global Partner of the FIA Action for Road Safety Campaign, to raise awareness of the importance of road safety among young people in Spain.

Taking into account that in Spain the main cause of death of 18- to 29-year-olds is car crashes, the initiative aimed at changing bad habits and behaviours on the road and making sure young people understand the high risk of not driving responsibly. Trendy Drivers talked to the youngsters through a humoristic message, close to their code and with no paternalism or impositions. Even so, it followed a certain set of rules: the FIA’s Golden Rules for Road Safety.
In collaboration with the FIA, Michelin Trendy Drivers put to work a digital strategy based on weekly publications on its social media channels and website and special actions throughout the year. In 2018, the focus was on three different Golden Rules (‘Always Pay Attention’, ‘Never Drink and Drive’, and ‘Check Your Tyres’) that resulted in the development of four special actions around them: BrakeBeat, Festibus, Aguafiestas and Abrígate.
BrakeBeat: the new musical genre that saves lives
One of the main causes of car crashes is that people don’t keep the safety distance between cars. Based on the three-second rule, Trendy Drivers created a new musical genre inspired by hip hop and rap, the BrakeBeat, whose rhythm allows you to keep the safety distance with the car in front of you. The song and its videoclip were released on Trendy Drivers’ social media channels accomplishing 854.860 reproductions, 59.482 interactions and 1.883.613 reach between Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. The action was complemented by a Spotify playlist, social media posts and a raffle of tickets for the rapping battles around Spain.
Festibus and Aguafiestas against ‘Drink and Drive’
In order to avoid the temptation of drink driving before or after music festivals, Trendy Drivers organised a free shuttle service, Festibus, that took people from and to A Summer’s Story Festival celebrated in outskirts Madrid. The video case of the action had an impact of 743 reproductions, 3615 interactions and 403k reach.
Keeping on with the anti ‘Drink and Drive’ policy and as a Christmas action, Trendy Drivers released Aguafiestas with the goal of combating the social pressure to drink at Christmas parties. It presented a series of “colorants” to make your glass of water look like an alcoholic drink and some acting lessons to pretend you are tipsy. Neither the colorants nor the lessons were real, but Aguafiestas reminded to never drink and drive, especially during the festive season in a very humoristic way.
Keeping your tyres warm
Last but not least, Trendy Drivers wanted to emphasise the importance of using appropriate tyres throughout the year. Many Spaniards do not know that there are different tyres for summer and winter and that under 7ºC, summer tyres are less safe, increasing the risk of car crashes. To raise awareness on this matter and from the premise “keep them warm”, Trendy Drivers opted for a street marketing action: Abrígate. On a cold winter day, the cars parked in a street in downtown Madrid appeared with sweaters on their wheels shocking the pedestrians that walked by. The action was reinforced with four short videos in which the tyres were personified and showed their suffering during winter.
All these actions were reinforced by weekly contents on social media and a specific website: Instagram stories, infographics, articles, video and image posts which were also based on the FIA’s Golden Rules for Road Safety.
To learn more about the initiative, you can follow Trendy Drivers on social media: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.