International Court of Appeal: Decision hearing 4 December

Case ICA-2014-04: Appeal brought by the Qatar Motor and Motorcycle Federation (QMMF) on behalf of its licence-holder Nasser Al Attiyah Team against the decision No. 1 dated 29th November 2014 of the Stewards of the 2014 Dubai International Rally counting towards the 2014 FIA Middle-East Rally Championship.
During the 2014 Dubai International Rally – 27‐29 November 2014, counting towards the 2014 FIA Middle East Rally Championship the Competitor Nasser Al Attiyah Team lodged a protest against car n°2 of the competitor Team Abu Dhabi Racing on the grounds that this car had contravened the sporting regulations. The Stewards decided to reject this protest on the basis that car n°2 adhered to Article 40.6.2 of the FIA Middle East Rally Championship Sporting Regulations.
On 2 December the Qatar Motor and Motorcycle Federation (QMMF) on behalf of its licence-holder, Nasser Al Attiyah Team, appealed this decision before the International Court of Appeal.
Decision of the International Court of Appeal
The Court, after having heard the parties and examined their submissions
- Decided to set aside the decision n°1 of the Stewards of the 2014 Dubai International Rally;
- Declared that Abu Dhabi Racing Team’s car n°2 committed a breach of article 14.2 of the 2014 FIA Regional Rally Regulations;
- Decided to impose a penalty of 30 seconds on the Abu Dhabi Racing Team’s car n°2.
The International Court of Appeal was presided over by Mr Jan STOVICEK (Czech Republic), and included Mr Philippe ROBERTI DE WINGHE (Belgium) and Mr Felipe ZERAIK (Brazil).