Further extension to Formula 1 shutdown period approved

The World Motor Sport Council has approved a further extension to the shutdown period for competitors and Power Unit manufacturers in the FIA Formula One World Championship in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
All competitors must now observe a shutdown period increased from 35 to 63 consecutive days during the months of March, April, May and/or June. 50 days after the start of their shutdown period, upon application by a competitor, and subject to the prior written approval of the FIA, each competitor may use the services of a maximum of ten personnel to work remotely on long lead time projects.
The shutdown period for Power Unit manufacturers has been extended from 35 to 49 consecutive days during the months of March, April, May and/or June. 36 days after the start of their shutdown period, upon application by a Power Unit manufacturer, and subject to the prior written approval of the FIA, each Power Unit manufacturer may use the services of a maximum of ten personnel to work remotely on long lead time projects.