The event was organised by the Mobility Academy, an organisation created by FIA member the Swiss Touring Club (TCS).
Players from the “shared & collaborative mobility” ecosystem and stakeholders from around the world – including experts from FIA member clubs from Germany (ADAC), the Netherlands (ANWB), Austria (OEAMTC), Italy (ACI), Canada (BCAA) and Switzerland (TCS) – gathered together to discuss the latest developments in car-, ride-, bike- and park-sharing. Several key studies were presented demonstrating how today’s innovative co-mobility solutions can contribute to reducing the cost of motoring, improve transport efficiency and reduce emissions.
Wocomoco featured over 60 speakers which offered a unique opportunity to discuss and debate key policy challenges, required changes of the regulatory framework and the main drivers boosting businesses. In fact, shared and collaborative mobility are rapidly growing with smartphones enabling people to plan, compare, select and pay for multiple services via IT platforms.
In key note remarks, Andrew McKellar, FIA Secretary General for Mobility & Tourism, pointed out that:
“Innovation creates opportunities for traditional players, new players and consumers: we need to take advantage of that. Shared economy and shared mobility are, at the moment, niche markets. Many of the services have great potential, but we need first to design a consistent framework where public and private operators can interact for the benefit of consumers.”
About Wocomoco
Wocomoco is the World Collaborative Mobility Congress, the international platform for all stakeholders in the field of collaborative mobility. It brings together key institutional stakeholders (FIA, IRU, UITP), bike-sharing operators, park-sharing operators, ride-sharing operators, delivery services and experts in the field of collaborative mobility with the intention of shaping co-mobility.