In reaction to the humanitarian and refugee crisis caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, several FIA Member organisations in both Sport and Mobility - especially in Region I, Europe - have mobilised to provide support and assistance to the Ukrainian people in these difficult times.

FIA Clubs have been very reactive and have started collecting essential goods to be sent to Ukraine or to the zones welcoming refugees. It is the case of the Magyar Autoklub (MAK Hungary) which called upon its members, employees and partners to donate essential products such as hygienic products, baby care products and non-perishable foods. Donations can be done across the 66 locations of the Club across the country and will be delivered to the Ukrainian border. Österreichischer Automobil- Motorrad - und Touring Club (ÖAMTC Austria) has also organised support and is sending aid transports to Moldova. A first shipment carrying medical goods, blankets, rain ponchos, hygiene, and baby articles was sent on 4 March and a second one, was sent on 22 March 2022, to which Koninklijke Nederlandse Toeristenbond (ANWB Netherlands) contributed with a delivery of goods and Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club (ADAC Germany) kindly contributed through a donation of 10 000€ In Latvia, the Latvijas Automobiļu Federācija organised a collection of humanitarian aid for Ukraine in a collaboration with the country’s Embassy in Riga. In Romania, ACR branches located at the northern and eastern borders of Romania have been actively involved in various humanitarian activities, along with authorities and other NGOs, assisting Ukrainian refugees in providing food, water, and other necessary goods. ACR has also offered to assist with temporarily housing refugees in its own multiple lodging properties.
Actions were also taken to facilitate the transport of these essential goods with ADAC Germany very significantly reducing the cost of renting vans for volunteers wishing to rent a van to drive supplies to the Ukrainian border, and Automobile Club Du Luxembourg (ACL Luxembourg) providing a van and offering the help of its employees to ensure the transport to the SHUK reception centre of the clothes designed by the association “LUkraine” to meet the urgent needs of women and children who have arrived recently deprived of everything.
Other Members provided financial support by donating to existing humanitarian organisations or by creating dedicated funds. ANWB Netherlands donated €125,000 to “Giro555”, a Dutch relief coordination organisation and ACL Luxembourg made a donation to the Red Cross while the Latvijas Automobiļu Federācija (Latvia) set up a fund where donations can be made for Ukraine. In Germany, the ADAC is supporting Aktion Deutschland Hilft, the alliance of German aid organisations, and published a link on its website to invite people to donate to the alliance to support Ukrainian citizens.
The Automobile Federation of Ukraine (FAU) has partnered with the PZM (Poland) to coordinate and engage volunteer movements with FAU members.
Clubs such as the ADAC Germany, ÖAMTC Austria, ANWB Netherlands, Automobil Clubul Roman (ACR Romania), Automobil Club Din Moldova (ACM Moldova), Autoklub Slovakia Assistance (ASA Slovakia), Hrvatski Autoklub (HAK Croatia), MAK Hungary, the Bosnia and Herzegovina Automobile Club (BIHAMK), have also mobilised to help Ukrainian refugees driving by car on their territory if they need breakdown assistance.
Steps were also taken by the Automobile Club of Portugal (ACP) who launched, in partnership with TAP Air Portugal, a humanitarian transport operation for those fleeing war in dramatic conditions, ensuring the safe arrival of 200 passengers from Warsaw to Lisbon. In parallel to this initiative, ACP created the campaign ‘Uma vida, um lugar’ (One life, one place) and invited people to donate.
The Auto Sport Federation of Slovenia - AŠ 2005 has opened a charity bank account to raise funds in order to help Ukrainian motorsport athletes and the ACM Moldova has opened a special bank account aiming at helping as many people in need.
The Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Slovenia (AMZS) also offered free roadside assistance on Slovenian roads to refugees from Ukraine. AMZS’ roadside assistance mechanics will, if possible, repair the vehicle at the point of failure.
The Deutscher Motor Sport Bund E.V. (DMSB) has set up a donation account to provide support to affected Ukrainian automobile and motorbike athletes and their families.
In addition, the Royal Automobile Club of Spain (RACE) is supporting the Polish situation by offering call centre support to ARC Europe Poland and funding accommodation to Ukrainian refugees in the country.
Other Clubs expressed their strong commitment to help Ukraine and its refugees. The Federation of Auto Sport of Kosovo showed its support to the Automobile Federation of Ukraine (FAU) in a letter and offered to provide accommodation for up to 30 members of the FAU and their family until the end of these difficult times. Hrvatski Autoklub (HAK Croatia) also decided to make its support visible by illuminating its headquarters with the Ukrainian colours.
The clubhouse of the Czech Republic ACN, Autoklub ČR, opened to Ukrainian children. In cooperation with the Czech-Ukrainian Direct Support Company, a fun game afternoon was held here, which over 120 children came to enjoy with their mothers or grandmothers.
Also read: FIA establishes Humanitarian Task Force to support people affected by Ukraine crisis