FIA Region III & FIA Region IV at Latam Mobility Mexico: the future of electromobility in Latin America
More than 600 people, including around one hundred speakers from over 40 countries, attended the Latam Mobility Mexico in February. FIA, FIA Region III and FIA Region IV were present, as were other collaborating organisations such as the UN Environment Programme and the World Bank.

The event, in which over 150 international and regional strategic partners were present, had as its objective to promote sustainable mobility in Latin America, to share experiences, reflections, and novelties from the region. It also had the intention of generating networking spaces as well as initiating new projects that benefit Latin America.
Leandro Perillo, Mobility and Public Policy Manager for FIA Region IV was one of the speakers. His outstanding lecture, Societal Perception of Electric Mobility, took place during the second and last days of the event. One of his highlights was that « given the fact that electromobility is an emerging subject in Latin America, it is of high importance to know and identify the perception and processes of information that society has on the issue ». As a result, a public poll on the matter was developed and the results were showcased in the conference. The latter allowed for a « global picture of civil society’s perceptions and the role that the latter assigns to the state and private enterprise in this technological change », explained Perrillo. Moreover, he stated that with this, they were able to identify the main obstacles that people interpret « for the adoption of this new technology and we detected the degrees of people’s proximity or distance to it ». Finally, he revealed that over 60% of the poll participants expressed their belief that their country is not prepared to adopt electromobility. This exposes, according to the FIA Region IV specialist, the need for private enterprise and governmental authorities to play a bigger role when it comes to delivering objective information about electromobility.
In another specialised talk, Abel Lopez Dodero, urban transport expert for the World Bank, explained the Chilean experience with electromobility starting with the use of electric buses. In addition, during this edition of Latam Mobility, diverse subjects were discussed, such as new business models, opportunities created by sustainable mobility, cooperative initiatives, technological novelties, opinions about cargo solutions and there was even space for a contest on start-up innovation. There was also discussion of how to integrate new means of transportation (electric bicycles, scooters or motorcycles, etc.) in the cities of the future.