The Fédération Internationale de I’Automobile (FIA) has just announced the list of the 25 Member Clubs that will benefit from fundings from the Global Action Stream of the FIA Road Safety Grants Programme in 2022. The grants will support selected Clubs in promoting the Global Plan for the Decade of Action (released by the WHO and UN Regional Offices at the end of 2021) and raising awareness on the UN high-level road safety meeting that will be held on 30 June and 1 July in NYC.

The 25 selected Member Organisations are: Österreichischer Automobil- Motorrad- Und Touring Club (OEAMTC, Austria), Azerbaijan Milli Avtomobil Klubu (AMAK, Azerbaijan), Bahamas Motor Sports Association Ltd (BMSA, Bahamas), Bosnia and Herzegovina Automobile Club (BIHAMK, Bosnia I Herzegovina), Touring & Automóvil Club de Colombia (ACC, Colombia), Automóvil Club de Costa Rica (ACCR, Costa Rica), Cyprus Automobile Association (CAA, Cyprus), Automóvil Club del Ecuador (ANETA, Ecuador), Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” (RSI, Greece), Automóvil Club Guatemala (ACG, Guatemala), Magyar Autóklub (MAK, Hungary), Auto-Moto Society of Latvia (LAMB, Latvia), Avto-Moto Sojuz Na Makedonija (AMSM, Macedonia), Automobil Club Din Moldova (ACM, Moldova), Automovel e Touring Clube de Mocambique (ATCM, Mozambique), Nepal Automobiles’ Association (NASA, Nepal), Touring y Automóvil Club del Perú (TACP, Peru), Polish Automobile and Motorcycle Federation (PZM, Poland), Auto-Moto Association of Serbia (AMSS, Serbia), Automobile Association of Singapore (AAS, Singapore), Automobile Association of Ceylon (AAC, Sri Lanka), Automobile Association of Tanzania (AAT, Tanzania), Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport (EASST, United Kingdom), National Automobile Club of Uzbekistan (NACU, Uzbekistan), AIP Foundation (AIPF, Vietnam).
To promote the Global Plan for the Decade of Action, the chosen Clubs will be provided with all #StreetsForLife campaign materials and social media assets to raise awareness on and increase commitment to road safety. #StreetsForLife was launched to support the 6th United Nations Global Road Safety Week (that took place from 17-23 May 2021) which focused on promoting the importance of low-speed streets to deliver safe, equitable, healthy, and green public space. FIA Member Clubs will use the campaign as a global action framework to amplify and to secure political commitmentand policy change.
The 25 selected initiatives will also raise awareness on the high-level meeting organised by the United Nations General Assembly on 30 June and 1 July 2022 in New York on ‘The 2030 Horizon for Road Safety: Securing a Decade of Action and Delivery”. The event, attended by country Ministers, is progression from the launch of the Second Decade of Action on Road Safety 2021-2030 and the WHO Global Plan to reach the SDG target 3.6 to halve road deaths by 2030. It is expected to result in policy makers making tangible commitment to address domestic and international road safety challenges. FIA Member Clubs are invited to write to governments asking for participation in the UN high-level meeting and commitment to fund and support the outcomes of the meeting.