FIA to increase Sport Grant Programme funds to help member clubs

The FIA Sport Clubs Solidarity Programme has been further strengthened by a decision to increase the total sport grant funding available under the Sport Grant Programme by adding an additional substantial contribution from the FIA Innovation Fund (FIF), to provide a total fund of some €5M to help our Member Clubs.
This contribution from the FIF is available to Clubs who need emergency assistance to restart their motor sport activities. In order to provide appropriate assistance, these funds may be distributed during the latter part of 2020.
If a Club wishes to implement a series of urgent measures to restart motor sport, for example, conduct a testing programme, purchase personal protective equipment or train motor sport officials in new medical protocols, they can apply for funding to support this.
The aim of the Solidarity Fund is to ensure Sport Clubs survive lock down and the impact of the pandemic, and can move forward with confidence to restarting motor sport. Clubs should therefore raise any concerns they have and should seek help if they need it, and such requests will be dealt with sensitively with the aim to provide assistance if at all possible.
Those ASNs that prefer to apply for funding for a project to be conducted in 2021 can of course still do so.
For this year’s Sport Grant Programme applications round, which opened on 18 May, clubs can apply for a single project as previously, for a topic of their choice under one of the four pillars of the Programme:
- Safety,
- Motor Sport Development,
- ASN Structure & Management, or
- Social Responsibility including, programmes that promote equality and diversity in motor sport.
They can mix and match a number of options within the maximum funding amount of €50K, including:
(1) Karting slalom kit purchase – as in 2019 – maximum grant €12K;
(2) Economic impact enhancement study – tool to help clubs with government liaison – maximum grant €10K;
(3) Projects to help recovery and resumption, including €15K for collaborations with the Red Cross/Red Crescent, for example, testing, provision of personal protective equipment or training of officials in new medical protocols before an event.
In addition, clubs have the option to apply for a second grant, uniquely for an environmental project.
All grant applications, whether for urgent assistance to be provided during 2020 or whether for a project to be conducted in 2021, should be submitted via the FIA Grants Portal.
Grant applications close on 21 August and clubs that wish to apply for funding should register by 7 August, using this link:
Those clubs are strongly advised to contact the Grants Team as soon as possible in order to discuss their project idea in detail before submitting their applications to