FIA Annual General Assembly

The FIA Annual General Assembly, held in Doha, Qatar, today (5 December 2014), marked the end of the annual meeting week attended by Sport and Mobility FIA Member Clubs from around the world and which culminates with the FIA Prize-Giving ceremony this evening. The FIA President, Jean Todt, along with Senate President Nick Craw and Deputy Presidents Brian Gibbons and Graham Stoker, welcomed the delegates to the meeting and, on behalf of the General Assembly, thanked hosts Nasser Khalifa Al Attiyah and the Qatar Motor and Motorcycle Federation (QMMF) for their warm hospitality and assistance. His Excellency, Salah bin Ghanem bin Nasser Al Ali, Minister of Youth and Sport was also present to welcome the General Assembly to Qatar. In his opening address, FIA President Jean Todt underlined the direct support the FIA has been able to provide to its member clubs through training programmes and grants, which have been significantly increased over the past year. In Sport, he noted the work which has been made to build a single-seater pathway for young talent to follow from grassroots level to the pinnacle of motor sport, F1. The advancement of sustainability in sport has been a priority of the past year, with new hybrid technologies promoted in the FIA Formula One World Championship and the FIA World Endurance Championship, and the launch of the new FIA Formula E Championship. In Mobility, the FIA University and regional training programmes have been expanded, while a Connected Car taskforce has been established to help prepare clubs for this challenge. The FIA President stressed the FIA’s commitment and determination to continue to improve safety both on the track and the road, and the further progress made to build new partnerships with leading international bodies and private partners. He thanked FIA Foundation President Tim Keown and FIA Institute President Gérard Saillant for their ongoing strong cooperation, and welcomed the appointment of the new Secretary General of Mobility Andrew McKellar. The following decisions were taken during the meeting: Amendments to the FIA Statutes Amendments have been made to the FIA Statutes, following the work of the Statutes Review Commission (SRC), in order to better service the interests of the FIA and its members today and in the future. These amendments are as follows: Clubs’ support for the presidential list The General Assembly agreed to reduce the number of Clubs that have to declare their support for any presidential list and to retain a fixed number of six per each statutory category (ACNs, Mobility Clubs, ASNs), i.e. 18 different Clubs representing about 10% of the FIA Members having the right to vote at the General Assembly. Senate supervision of the electoral procedures The General Assembly decided to formalise the competence of the Senate with regard to the monitoring of the electoral operations (granted in 2013) in the FIA Statutes (admissibility of the candidatures, list of those Members authorised to vote, etc). Statutory mechanism regarding the management of FIA Members’ debts The recommendation was approved to establish a simple time-based criterion for when an FIA Member's debts are in arrears and the strengthening of the system of penalties incurred in such an event. Rules governing the Senate Recommendations were approved not to include any Senate member, who has a financial or personal conflict of interest regarding the vote submitted, in the number of voting members and to consider a procedure for replacing temporarily the President of the Senate in the event that the latter would be conflicted. Nominations Committee A proposal was approved to establish a Nominations Committee, based on the model of the FIA Judicial Appointment Committee, which will have the exclusive competence to make recommendations to the competent bodies of the FIA concerning the election of the members of the International Tribunal, the International Court of Appeal, the Anti-Doping Disciplinary Committee and the Ethics Committee. Report from the Ethics Committee In the event that the FIA President or any other elected person appearing on the presidential list is the subject of an investigation by the Ethics Committee, it was decided that the report will be sent to the Senate which will be entrusted with the power to decide whether or not to instigate disciplinary proceedings. Composition and operation of the Ethics Committee To strengthen the independence of the Ethics Committee, the following recommendations were approved: - That the exercise of the role of a member of the Ethics Committee be made incompatible with the exercise of any role whatsoever within a body of the FIA (World Councils, Senate, etc.). This rule comes into effect immediately, and applies to all the members of the Ethics Committee. - To add a new member who will exercise the role of “President” of the Ethics Committee. The exercise of this role would be incompatible with the exercise of any role whatsoever within a body of the FIA (World Councils, Senate, etc.) or within an FIA Member Club. The President of the Ethics Committee will be elected by the General Assembly and have the casting vote in the event of an even vote. - To provide that only the President of the Ethics Committee will be required to have cumulatively a legal experience and an experience in matters of ethics. Electronic participation and voting in FIA meetings The SRC recommendations were approved to extend to all the FIA bodies (and under specific conditions at the General Assembly) the possibility to participate by any electronic means to the meeting of these bodies and to vote by correspondence. Judicial and Disciplinary Rules Proposals of the Congress of the International Tribunal (IT) and of the International Court of Appeal (ICA) to clarify the status of third parties in proceedings before the IT and ICA were approved and relevant amendments adopted. International Historical Commission International Tribunal and International Court of Appeal The General Assembly approved the recommendations from the Judicial Appointment Committee with regard to the following candidatures for election as judges on the IT and ICA for a full 3-year term of office starting on 1 January 2015. International Tribunal:
International Court of Appeal:
Ethics Committee They will serve alongside existing members Ajmalul Hossain (GBR‐BGD) and Viviane Monteiro (BRA). Anti-Doping Disciplinary Committee The General Assembly approved the re-nomination of four members to the Anti-Doping Disciplinary Committee proposed by the WMSC. The members, who will serve from 2015-2017, are: Sporting Commissions
Members of the World Council for Automobile Mobility and Tourism (WCAMT) The General Assembly agreed to co-opt the following members: President of Region II Takayoshi Yashiro (JAF) was elected as President of Region II. The FIA is proud to enlarge its membership and international representation by welcoming Auto Sport d’Haïti (Sporting / Automobile mobility and tourism competence) into its structure. The General Assembly is pleased to nominate Guido van Woerkom (ANWB, The Netherlands) as a Membre d’Honneur on proposal of the WCAMT. FIA Financial Accounts and Budget The FIA Membership has unanimously approved the 2013 FIA Financial Accounts and the 2015 FIA Budget. Date of next meeting The 2015 FIA Annual General Assembly and Prize Giving Ceremony will take place in Paris, France, on 11 December. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------