FIA and Michelin launch road safety campaign in US

With recent research in the US revealing that automobile accidents are the number one killer of teens in the country, responsible for some 5,000 deaths each year, and with that research confirming that 12 per cent (over 260,000) of 2.2m accidents that affect inexperienced drivers annually can be attributed to tyre-related issues, the FIA and partner Michelin are taking action with the launch of a new US-based initiative aimed educating young drivers on the importance of car and tyre maintenance.
Entitled ‘Beyond the Driving Test’, the programme will, in the short term, make new resources available to help teens and parents brush up on their own car and tyre maintenance skills, including a downloadable glove compartment guide with important tips. In addition, the partners are kicking off a new series featuring popular teen YouTube stars sharing tyre safety tutorials.
In the longer term, Michelin and FIA are committed to rallying the driving instruction industry to get involved and shape the future of America’s driver’s education curricula in an effort to help teens avoid accidents and save lives. The partners are calling for all 50 US states to include tyre safety information in their official driver's education materials by the year 2020.
To learn more, please visit, where you’ll find useful videos, educational and resources.
Action for Road Safety / Michelin - Glove Box Guide
Action for Road Safety / Michelin - Infographic