On 23-24 May, the FIA and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) organised a Movernos Seguros workshop to analyse the road safety situation in Honduras, the role of vehicle insurance and key elements to improve post-crash response.

Every year, 1.3 million people die in road traffic crashes around the world with dramatic consequences, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. In Latin America, 100,000 people lose their lives on the road annually. The World Health Organization records a rate of 17 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, above the world average, and highlights a growing trend due to the increase of the motorbike fleet.
More specifically in Honduras, 1,374 people have died on average every year since 2013 due to road traffic crashes. Serious injuries, the very low level of compulsory insurance take-up, and the impact of road crashes on the health system and the economy in general are also key issues to address.
Hence the importance of Movernos Seguros, a programme that supports and accompanies the actions of governments to create or strengthen compulsory vehicle insurance and make it an instrument for the prevention of traffic crashes and a comprehensive reparation scheme for victims. The initiative is aligned with the Global Road Safety Plan 2021-2030 which, for the first time, highlights the role of vehicle insurance and recommends making it mandatory in all countries.
The Movernos Seguros workshop was attended by government entities related to transport, health and insurance, as well as representatives from the FIA, FIA Member Club Asociación Hondureña de Automovilismo Deportivo, insurance companies, user associations, victims and members of parliament.
Among the most important conclusions that emerged during the workshop, attendees agreed on the need to develop a priority work agenda that focuses on achieving better post-crash care for road victims. They also converged on the necessity to strengthen the response capacity of health entities, in particular public centres. They even shared the idea that road safety programmes should be strengthened to include professional training for drivers in Honduras and that compulsory vehicle insurance could be an important contribution, adapting it to the economic reality of the country.