Covid-19: FIA and Essilor distribute 10 000 protective glasses to hospitals in need

“By signing the FIA Manifesto, all FIA doctors & Chief Medical Officers demonstrated their commitment. Workshops have been organised once a week since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic to gather information and share experiences on how to best address the issue with this frontline community. Throughout our worldwide Member Clubs network in link with medical centers and hospitals, needs in personal protective equipment for health workers have been aggregated and we are glad the FIA partners have responded the call and give their hand to assist.” said Pr. Gérard Saillant, President of the FIA Medical Commission.
Concrete actions and initiatives have been implemented.
Therefore, Essilor, the global manufacturer of optical lenses and partner of FIA Action for Road Safety, and its social impact fund Vision for Life, donated 10,000 protective glasses that have been distributed across 4 continents to frontline health workers. Overall, these are 38 hospitals who will be able to equip staff and make sure we all participate in the care of those who save lives.
Alongside other actions being part of the FIA #Raceagainstcovid movement, the FIA has mobilized the entire community and will continue.”