CCKF completes long-term training programme
Croatian ASN succeeds in five-year plan to create skilled group of trainers

Last week, the Croatian Car and Karting Federation (CCKF) successfully completed a five-year training programme that aimed to create a committed and skilled group of trainers from the ASN. During those five years, CCKF committed to the modernisation of their existing education programme with the support of the FIA Sport Grant Programme and conducted a range of different training modules that brought older training systems up to the latest FIA standards, resulting in the attraction of a younger generation of people to find their career path in motor sport.
Last weekend’s training involved an officials training programme with topics delivered by the CCKF trainers, observed by the Regional Training Provider (RTP), which in this case was UK National Sporting Authority (ASN) – the Motor Sports Association.
The programme has been a great example of the ‘Train the Trainer’ philosophy, which is one of the main priorities of the FIA which is widely supported through its Sport Grant Programme.
The two ASNs have been working together since 2013 on a multi-disciplined officials training and development scheme, and since 2015 have received grants under the Sport Grant Programme. Their aim was to develop an interactive, competency-based approach to training, based on the FIA Best Practice Framework and modules delivered have included for marshals, senior officials and event management.
Since 2015, the CCKF and its RTP have been looking to identify strong individuals within the ASN with the potential to become trainers and a Train the Trainer programme has been implemented since that time. Through the various sessions, a group of senior officials has been provided with the necessary training and experience in order to enable them to train the CCKF officials themselves. On 18 November, these skills were put to the test when the ASN conducted a full day training programme covering a range of topics, with each module delivered by a CCKF trainer. Topics included:
- Roles and Responsibilities of Officials
- Marshalling in: Circuit/Autocross, Hill Climb, Rally
- Timekeeping
- Scrutineering
- Motorsport Medical Services
- Communication skills
The aim of the weekend’s programme was two-fold – firstly to provide a multi-discipline training programme for motor sport officials, and also to give the opportunity for the CCKF trainers to deliver training and receive an evaluation from the RTP.
For this second part, the eight trainers were required to send the module delivery plan to the RTP prior to the session, and then attend a preparation session where they provided a summary of the module content and proposed delivery methods. During the training sessions on the Saturday, each trainer was carefully evaluated by the RTP and detailed feedback given to each one in order to help their development.
This has been an excellent example of cooperation and development between ASNs, and the education and development of the CCKF trainers will continue, alongside other new initiatives such as the launch of a mentoring programme to further support their motor sport officials.
Zrinko Gregurek, CCKF Secretary General, said: “During this 5 years training transformation process we moved motor sport education from regulation-based officials training to competence-based officials work by developing a wide range of skills and competences among the motor sport community with help of Regional Training Provider MSA UK. This process is not finished and it is considered a strong foundation for lifelong learning in different areas in the upcoming years led by highly motivated chiefs of committees.”
Gabrijela Jerman, Chief of the Officials Committee and one of the CCKF trainers, adds: “The overall energy was very positive and the team got many invitations to organise such events in regional and local clubs.
“Future plans definitely include further training and workshops development, the inclusion of as many marshals and officials as possible and introduction of new, young people into motor sport.”