CAA promotes peace through sport initiative
On 25 November 2020, the 2019 edition of the Cyprus Rally, round seven of the FIA European Rally Championship, organised by the Cyprus Automobile Association (CAA), was nominated for the Peace and Sport Awards 2020 in the Special Jury Prize category. The sporting competition did not win the Special Jury Prize, but the strong cooperation between its volunteers, coming from different communities, represents a strong example of how motor sport can inspire and unite people collectively, transcending the single individuals and building peace in society.

The Special Jury Prize of the Peace and Sport Awards 2020 rewards yearly a significant peace through initiative highlighting the power of sport to promote dialogue, social cohesion and peace.
Among the 2020 nominated initiatives was the FIA ERC Cyprus Rally 2019, the “Together against COVID” initiative submitted by the Olympique Lyonnais Fundation, and the Olympic Day Workout submitted by the ‘Olympic Channel’, which won the award.
The ERC Cyprus Rally includes a Super Special Stage that passes through the United Nations-controlled Buffer Zone that separates the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot inhabited areas of Nicosia. Following the Turkish invasion in 1974, the two communities have been forced to live apart in separate sectors of the island. Theybelong to different ethnicities, thus speaking different languages, having different religions and to some extend different habits and customs in life.
The organising committee of the Super Special Stage is composed of members of both communities who, thanks to sport, come together to work for a common goal. Volunteers from both communities are also involved, and this contributes to build social bonds that are maintained beyond the event.
“I want to thank the Jury and the Peace through Sport Organisation for this important nomination”, said FIA Deputy President for Sport Graham Stoker. “I also want to express my congratulations to the Cyprus Automobile Association for organising this inspirational event, the Cyprus Rally. It’s a good example of divided communities coming together through Sport.”
Cyprus Rally Clerk of the Course Nayia Kontopoulou said: “The idea was to bring motor sport enthusiasts of both communities in Cyprus together through the Cyprus Rally. I must say the circumstances were very difficult, but we feel proud of having our goal achieved. I want to thank the Cyprus Rally Team, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, who believed in this idea and worked together to make it a success, and the UN forces in Cyprus for their support.”
The FIA continues to promote purpose driven initiatives delivering a lasting contribution to society. Following the example of the Cyprus Rally, all FIA Member Organisations are encouraged to promote similar initiatives in the future.