Bulgarian Club launches "Best Young Driver" campaign
The Union des Automobilistes Bulgares (UAB) has launched a safe driving competition for Bulgarian drivers under the age of 26.

The “Best young driver of Bulgaria” campaign kicked off this month. It is organised by the Union des Automobilistes Bulgares (UAB) with the support of the FIA, National Traffic Police, Bulgarian Red Cross, and municipalities of Plovdiv and Kaloyanovo.
“Best young driver of Bulgaria” is an educational competition involving drivers up to 26 years old. They should demonstrate their knowledge of traffic rules, as well as their safe driving skills.
“This event is bound to positively affect road safety in our country” – Emil Panchev – President of UAB, commented.
Commissioner Boyko Ranovski – the Chief of National Traffic Police insisted on the vulnerability of young drivers on the road and how the initiative can help assess their skills as well as the necessary actions that need to be taken to reduce road accidents involving drivers under the age of 26.
Only drivers within this age group, who have been actively driving no more than 5 years, without any tickets or traffic violations can participate in the campaign. The initial stage of the campaign consists of an online test on Bulgarian Traffic Laws, available from 5 February 2018.
The best 30 participants with the highest results will pass on through the second stage. They will have the opportunity to show their safe driving abilities on a racing circuit near the village of Kaloyanovo on 12 May 2018.
The winner will receive a one-year free of charge loan of a Renault Captur as a reward.
All the finalists of the campaign will become UAB Road Safety Ambassadors, in charge of informing young people of road safety risks and promoting proper behaviour while driving.