The second issue of AUTO this year includes conversation starters, ideas and opinions on several important topics. The cover story deals with a subject much in the news: how motor sport can play its part when it comes to environmental sustainability.

I firmly believe that our sport can act as a laboratory for technological innovations we can bring to road cars, making them more efficient and kinder to the environment. At the same time, motor sport innovations can be applied to a huge range of sustainable solutions – from more effective mass transit systems to water conservation and waste management. We must work hard to reduce the impact motor sport has on the environment, and great progress has been made thanks to the efforts of the FIA staff and many Clubs and ASNs. But there is still a long way to go.
In this edition we also launch a new series of single-voice opinion columns in which figures from the worlds of mobility and motor sport deliver their thoughts on a current issue. This time it’s Iim Fahima from Indonesia, founder of Queenrides, a community platform that aims to empower women to achieve safety in driving and riding. Iim has been included on a list of nine young world-changers at the 2019 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos. Meanwhile, in our regular series of automotive industry profiles we feature Luca De Meo, the man who has transformed SEAT.
Elsewhere, we talk to Marcus Armstrong, the young racer from New Zealand, one of the frontrunners in the first season of the new FIA Formula 3 Championship. In our Legends section we interview Nigel Mansell, a driver much loved by millions of fans for the courage and grit he showed when racing in the 1980s and ’90s.
The world of digital motor sport is growing at a remarkable pace, in terms of it economic power, its competitor base and also the sheer number of fans who tune in to watch virtual racing, which is now around the half a billion mark. As we reveal, the FIA is at the forefront of this growth, through the cutting-edge FIA Grand Turismo Championship.
These and many other features make up this issue: I hope you enjoy it and, as usual, please write in with any ideas and suggestions you might have for making it even better. Have a great summer.
Jean Todt, FIA President