On 19 April, the Automóvil Club Dominicano (ACD) organised talks in universities to promote and support the use of bicycles as a means of transport in urban environments.

On World Bicyle Day 2018, the Dominican Republic’s National Institute of Traffic and Land Transportation (INTRANT), launched a series of initiatives on the theme "Yo Voy en Bici" (I ride a bike). These activities supported the use of bicycles as a cheap and green means of transport, and promoted sustainable mobility in cities.
In coordination with different cycling clubs and organisations, and with the support of the Automóvil Club Dominicano (ACD), a day of awareness-raising talks was held in the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, (UASD), the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC), the National University Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), and the Technological University of Santiago (UTESA).
The aim of these talks was to call attention to the rights and duties of cyclists, and highlight the benefits of cycling for health. Various topics were discussed, addressing cycling and road safety, the challenges of urban cycling, and the role of cycling in the development of sustainable, smart cities.
This initiative is also in line with the Dominican Republic’s larger mobility strategy and National Road Safety Plan. These aim to promote non-motorised modes of transport through the construction of infrastructures and the adoption of road safety measures for vulnerable road users, and ultimately to reduce by 30% the number of road traffic accidents by 2020.