ACC welcomes FIA authorities to Bogota
FIA President Jean Todt, along with FIA Vice President for Sport Jose Abed, have been welcomed by the Touring y Automóvil Club de Colombia (ACC) President Ricardo Morales Rubio and ACC Director General Alfredo Albornoz during their 2-day visit of Colombia.

During these days, FIA President Jean Todt, who also serves as the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Road Safety, along with FIA Vice President for Sport Jose Abed, met with the President of Colombia Ivan Duque Marquez, to discuss key road safety issues and, in particular, the need for Colombia to adhere to the UN conventions and the WP29 standards. The meeting was also attended by the Inter-American Development Bank President, Luis Alberto Moreno.
As a result of the discussions, President Duque Marquez expressed his personal commitment to prevent risk situations on the roads of the country.
Jean Todt had also the opportunity to engage with the Minister of Transport, Angela Maria Orozco, the director of the National Agency for Road Safety, Luis Lota, and the Minister of Health, Juan Pablo Uribe, among other representatives of national and international organizations, as well as other governors who presented the vision of the territory on the road safety situation on their roads.
Along with Ricardo Morales Rubio, President of the Touring y Automóvil Club de Colombia (ACC), the FIA Chief Officers met with the mayor of Bogotá, Enrique Penalosa Londono, who showed how, in recent years, road safety figures have improved.
As part of his visit to the country and to support Colombia in improving road safety, UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Road Safety Jean Todt, together with the National Government, signed the Pact for Road Safety of Children and Adolescents.
This pact, supported, among others, by the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, the Police Road Traffic Directorate and the Road Safety Business Committee (CESV), which represents over 100 multinational and local companies, is part of the overall strategy of the national government to generate a public policy in line with the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
In addition, the National Development Plan "Pacto por Colombia, Pacto por la Equidad" (Agreement for Colombia, Agreement for Equity) includes eight specific actions that will contribute decisively to the reduction of road crashes in the country.
On the Sport side, a successful meeting was held with representatives from the Antioquia Department, who are financing the construction of an FIA certified racetrack in the municipality of Bello. The track is designed to host international competitions and will boost the development of motor sport in the country.
“The international racetrack in Antioquia will have a global feel, and will form a true centre for the development of motor racing and of the automotive industry. Central Park will be an excellent place for training drivers who aspire to join the élite of this sport”, saidFIA Vice President for Sport Jose Abed.
The FIA Chief Officers said goodbye to Colombia with a visit to the local offices of the United Nations.