A one-month road safety awareness campaign was recently completed in Azerbaijan, as part of the #PARKYOURPHONE initiative, which focuses on responsible phone use in traffic.

A team of mobility professionals from the Azerbaijan Automobile Federation (AAF) visited several regions in Azerbaijan outside the capital city and held seminars on road safety.
While most campaigns never reach the population outside big cities, for this edition, AAF chose to focus on those people who usually are not covered.
The main goals of these seminars were to raise awareness on the dangers of using phones while on road, whether as a driver or a pedestrian, as well as teach basic road safety rules and explain basic traffic signs.
AAF trainers visited many cities across the country and held seminars for around 1,200 high school children. Teenage students in particular were targeted, as they represent both the next generation of drivers and a core segment of mobile phone users. Each seminar was held for maximum of 50 children, in order to increase effectiveness.
The training rooms were decorated with FIA campaign materials and #PARKYOURPHONE flyers were handed out. All participants received certificates, highlighting the importance of the content that was shared with them. There were special showings of the Save Kids' Lives film, directed by Luc Besson, which was very effective and appropriate for the children who live in rural areas.
The initiative gathered very positive feedback, and AAF plans to use this format again for future campaigns.