Aaa partners with accident research centre on distracted driving programme in Australia
The Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety (CARRSQ), a division of the Queensland University of Technology, has been selected as the research partner on the Australian Automobile Association (AAA) Distracted Driving programme.

The CARRSQ research team will be led by Professor Barry Watson, together with Professor Katherine White, Dr Ioni Lewis, Dr Cassandra Gauld, and Dr Oscar Oviedo Trespalacios.
Collectively, this team has many years of research experience in areas pertinent to the programme including young drivers, young drivers’ mobile phone use, crash risk associated with phone use while driving. They have also been involved in the development and evaluation of targeted road safety communication and education strategies, some of which specifically addressed young drivers’ smart phone use as well as high school road safety education programmes.
One of the key deliverables of the programme, which is being partly funded by the FIA, is a toolkit that can be used by Clubs to educate their members on distracted driving and strategies for dealing with it.