The International Road Safety Community
The international road safety community
The global road safety community had one of its most important successes when the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety was first launched, with over 100 governments signing up to its ambitious goals to stabilise and reduce fatalities in 2011. These governments have been joined by numerous organisations such as the World Bank, the World Health Organisation, the European Union, international institutions and the private sector to make our roads safer.
The UN Decade of Action for Road Safety
The Decade of Action for Road Safety, is based on a UN resolution to reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on the world’s roads. The Decade aims to address the major public health problem posed by road safety and the broad range of social and economic consequences which, if unaddressed, will affect the sustainable development of countries.
Signed by over 100 governments, the goal of the Decade aims to stabilise and reduce the forecast level of road traffic fatalities around the world by 2020 through increasing awareness and action at the national, regional and global levels. If successful, it is estimated 5 million lives will be saved. The UN has promoted the Safe System Approach to structure road safety actions.